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Secluded holiday home Bojana

VIP partner of Adtia Databanka Own transport Aircondition Property with BBQ Possibility of boat anchoring Internet Video

Why spend a holiday right here?

  • »
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    Property is just 50 m from the beach
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    Free air conditioning
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    Free Wi-Fi Internet
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    Comfortably furnished apartments - TV/SAT
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    Large, shady terrace
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    BBQ available
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    Possibility of using common washing mashine (for all units in property)
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    Mooring for guest's own boat can be provided
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    Sea view
  • »
    Beautiful pebble beach Pokrivenik is just 700 m far away

How far is the house from the sea and where to go to swim?

Property "Secluded holiday home Bojana" is located ... m from the beach and from the sea as the crow flies 50 m. To give you a better idea of where you can swim, we went through our database of photos and based on GPS coordinates we have calculated the distances of the property from the nearby beaches.

The nearest beach

Photo of beach
Pebble beach Zaraće Beach distant 79 m
Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach

We shot a video in this bay, have a look!



Apartment APP 2 "5"

Max. 2 pers. | 1 bedroom
1x unit_photo 1x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1446-SD-OH-ZZ-5
Floor: 2nd floor
Location 2nd floor
Max. no. of persons 2
Number of rooms 2
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is only allowed on the terrace/balcony,
The property faces sea view, onto the garden, onto a forest, the courtyard, of the mountains,
Guests staying at the accommodation can enjoy the use of shared terrace
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
living room with kitchenette refrigerator 150 l , 1 x additional bed, freezer 30 l , TV, satellite, outdoor furniture, coffee maker, hotplate (gas), kettle, LCD TV,
bathroom shower cubicle, WC
terrace outdoor furniture, Sea view
terrace outdoor furniture, Sea view
Internet free of charge, WiFi
air conditioning free of charge
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 3 "6"

Max. 3 pers. | 2 bedrooms
1x unit_photo 1x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1446-SD-OH-ZZ-6
Floor: 2nd floor
Location 2nd floor
Max. no. of persons 3
Number of rooms 3
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is only allowed on the terrace/balcony,
The property faces sea view, onto a forest, the courtyard,
Guests staying at the accommodation can enjoy the use of shared terrace
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
Bedroom 1 x bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
living room with kitchenette freezer 50 l , refrigerator 200 l , TV, satellite, outdoor furniture, coffee maker, hotplate (gas), crockery, kettle, LCD TV,
bathroom shower cubicle, WC
terrace outdoor furniture
terrace outdoor furniture
Internet free of charge, WiFi
air conditioning free of charge
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 4 "1"

Max. 4 pers. | 2 bedrooms
1x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1446-SD-OH-ZZ-1
Floor: 1st floor
Location 1st floor
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 3
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is only allowed on the terrace/balcony,
The property faces onto the garden, onto a forest
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, satellite, wardrobe, TV, bedside tables
Bedroom 2 x bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
Kitchen refrigerator, hotplate (gas), crockery, kettle
bathroom shower cubicle, WC, boiler
terrace outdoor furniture, clothes horse,
Internet free of charge, WiFi
air conditioning free of charge
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 4 "2"

Max. 4 pers. | 2 bedrooms
1x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1446-SD-OH-ZZ-2
Floor: 1st floor
Location 1st floor
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 3
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is only allowed on the terrace/balcony,
The property faces sea view
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, satellite, wardrobe, TV, bedside tables
Bedroom 2 x bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
Kitchen refrigerator, hotplate (gas), crockery, kettle
bathroom shower cubicle, WC, boiler
terrace outdoor furniture, clothes horse, Sea view
Internet free of charge, WiFi
air conditioning free of charge
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 4 "3"

Max. 4 pers. | 2 bedrooms
1x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1446-SD-OH-ZZ-3
Floor: 1st floor
Location 1st floor
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 3
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is only allowed on the terrace/balcony,
The property faces sea view
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, satellite, wardrobe, TV, bedside tables
Bedroom 2 x bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
Kitchen refrigerator, hotplate (gas), crockery, kettle
bathroom shower cubicle, WC, boiler
terrace outdoor furniture, clothes horse, Sea view
Internet free of charge, WiFi
air conditioning free of charge
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

You should not miss this information

Limitations of electricity in the building:

  • Only devices like smartphones, laptops or cameras can be charged
  • »
  • During prolonged cloudy weather, a power outage may occur
  • »
  • There are standard sockets in the property

Limitation of water use

  • »

Water restrictions:

  • each apartment has its own boiler, hot water is supplied to the apartment
  • »
  • drinking rain water
  • »
  • cold and hot water is supplied to the bathroom
  • »
  • cold and hot water is supplied to the kitchen
  • »
  • water is warmed in the electric boiler
  • »
  • water must be used rationally (e.g. to take a shorter shower, not to wash dishes in flowing water, etc.)

Arrical restrictions

  • the last part od the road is via macadamr

A length of arrival on macadam:

  • »
    150 m

How did the other guests like it here?

4.4 / 5 (12 ratings)

star star star star star
  1. Have you been satisfied with the resort, service levels and local beaches quality?
  2. Have you been satisfied with the behavior of the property owners and their services?
  3. Have you been satisfied with the accommodation quality, object cleanliness and its equipment? Were there any differences between the information on the web compared to the reality on the place of stay?
1. star star star star star

Krásné místo, čisté moře, čisté pláže, ocenili jsme hlavně minimum lidí

2. star star star star star

Příjemní majitelé, vstřícní, připtavili sami gril a dřevo ke grilování, nebyl žádný problém!

3. starstarstarstarstar

Kvalita + uvedené informace odpovídaly skutečnosti

(Czech Republic / 2021)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

2. star star star star star

3. starstarstarstarstar

J. Schiebertova (Czech Republic / 2020)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Krásné místo, čisté moře, čisté pláže, ocenili jsme hlavně minimum lidí

2. star star star star star

Příjemní majitelé, vstřícní, připtavili sami gril a dřevo ke grilování, nebyl žádný problém!

3. starstarstarstarstar

Kvalita + uvedené informace odpovídaly skutečnosti

(Czech Republic / 2021)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

2. star star star star star

3. starstarstarstarstar

J. Schiebertova (Czech Republic / 2020)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

2. star star star star star

Majitelé straší,ale přesto velmi milí,ochotní,přátelský.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Vybavení apartmánu je zastaralé,kohoutky na vodu ještě otočné.Velmi malé místnůstky...kuchyňka,koupelna.

B. Kopecká (Czech Republic / 2018)
4.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Zelo zadovoljni

2. star star star star star

Zelo zadovoljni

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ni bilo razlik.

M. KOROROŠEC (Slovenia / 2018)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

ušlo to, ale ostrá šotolina, navezená na pláž - nic moc

2. star star star star star

v pořádku

3. starstarstarstarstar

kvalita ubytování, až na hlučné německé sousedy v pořádku. Ale prostě pojem "Robinzonáda" ve mě evokuje úplně něco jiného, než osadu s "X" apartmány. Jediný co bylo vzdáleně podobné představě robinzonády, byla nemožnost něco koupit.

S. Šavel (Czech Republic / 2017)
3.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Ubytovanie nezodpovedalo popisu luxusne...bez internetu,...smrad z kanalov a chyba klima...

2. star star star star star

Trochu obtazovala jeho neustala pritomnost

3. starstarstarstarstar

Zodpoveda urovni 2 ×

T. Doval (Slovakia / 2017)
3.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Pláž nádherná,letovisko velikostí ideální,příjemný bonus možnosti občerstvení přímo na pláži. Pouze první a poslední den byla pláž znečištěná navátými odpadky. Jinak jsme velice spokojeni. Též krásná dostupná pláž nedaleko -Pokrivenik,s výbornou pizzerií.

2. star star star star star

Majitel objektu neskutečně milý,vstřícný, vycházel ve všem vstříc. Pouze předávání objektu jeho manželce probíhalo ne úplně příjemně.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Kvalita ubytování nebyla pro nás uspokojivá:na rozdíl od příjemných apartmánů s verandou s výhledem na moře, přízemní apartmán temný, úzký , strašně malý a těsný. Ale čistý.Doporučuji volbu pěkných apartmánů v 1.nebo druhém patře.

J. Ježková (Czech Republic / 2017)
3.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Ano, očekávání byla vzhledem k lokalitě a typu ubytování překonána

2. star star star star star

Bezchybný a vstřícný přístup

3. starstarstarstarstar

Info na webu v zásadě odpovídaly realitě, skutečnost na místě byla lepší než se zdálo z popisu

J. Bureš (Czech Republic / 2016)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Co bylo Vámi nabízeno bylo vcelku splněno. Dle vaší prezentace jsem počítal s tím co bylo v realitě. Díky úplńku měsíce a danému přílivu dostával se do zálivu dost velký civilizační bordel. Na pobřeží tímto se shromažďovalo dost odpadků, které nikdo neuklízel.

2. star star star star star

Bez problémů a vstřícný majitel. Zcela v pohodě.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Informace a fota na webu zcela shodná ze skutečností. Již na fotech jsem si nedělal iluse o kvalitě. Důležitý bod pro mne byla samota v zálivu, žádná civilizace. Jeden problém nastal v den odjezdu, ale ne pro nás. Těsně za domkem Mili je další domek kde se v den našeho odjezdu tam nastěhovali mladíci Chorvaté. Bohužel ložnice v domku MILI je přístupna od WC a kuchyně zvenku po schodech do zadní část domku a to těsně naproti druhého domku cca 3m. To znamenalo pro další turisty kteří přijedou po nás velkou ztrátu soukromí a klidu i nočního.

J. Pohlreich (Czech Republic / 2015)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Letovisko naprosto odpovídalo našim požadavkům, chtěli jsme soukromí pro skupinu s dětmi a zátoka Zarace byla naprosto dle našich představ. Jen nejezdilo avizované vodní taxi a nebyl v provozu sezonní obchůdek, ale pan domácí dovezl co jsme si objednali.

2. star star star star star

Majitel přátelský, vstřícný, ale ne vlezlý. Na dotaz poradil s čímkoli.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytování dle popisu. čisté lůžkoviny, dva ručníky na osobu, vybavená kuchyň, velká lednice s mrazákem, byli jsme maximálně spokojeni.

V. Sedláková (Czech Republic / 2015)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

letovisko i pláž neměly chybu

2. star star star star star

majitel objektu byl velmi milý a příjemný

3. starstarstarstarstar

objekt velmi velmi čistý vybavení perfektní

K. Voříšková (Czech Republic / 2014)
5.0 star star star star star

Bojana je jedna z nových robinzonád od května 2013. Robinzonáda je postavena nad první řadou ostatních objektů a má vlastní příjezdovou cestu. Po příjezdu můžete očekávat věčně usměvavého, společenského a naprosto výborného majitele, kterého si okamžitě zamilujete, pěkně zařízené apartmány a typickou zátoku. Kdybych si měl vybrat ze všech objektů v zátoce zaraće, vyhraje u mě právě tento objekt. V zátoce je restaurace a pokud chcete změnu, stačí se projít (projet) do vedlejší zátoky Pokrivenik s restaurací v Hotelu Ametyst a s překrásnou oblázkovou pláží, kde jezdí každý den lodní taxi.

Jiri Jaros (Head of IT - CK Adria Databanka) (Czech Republic / 2013)

Where can you find the accommodation?

How to book your stay?

You can book your stay by paying an advance payment of about 50% of the total price and pay the rest to the owner of the property on the spot in euros. If you do not want to take cash with you, you can send the other half to us 45 days before your stay and we will send the payment to the owner. You can pay by card, bank transfer, vouchers, or for example by an employee benefits.

Take a look at the summary information about the property and its surroundings

Property code: 1446-SD-OH-ZZ
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Directions to the property from the main road: via a macadam road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: 1 parking space per apartment, on the road in front of the property
Distance from the sea: 50 m
Property code: 1446-SD-OH-ZZ
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Directions to the property from the main road: via a macadam road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: 1 parking space per apartment, on the road in front of the property
Distance from the sea: 50 m
Distance from the beach: 50 m
Type of beach: pebble, sun deck, rocky
The owners also rent another units in their house which are not in offer : Yes
Owners on-site: Yes, they live in the property
Services provided: Accommodation in a private house
Available from: 01.06.2025
Available till: 30.09.2025
Suitable for: Peaceful countryside holiday
Can be borrowed from the owner: free of charge, sun umbrella
Dogs allowed: not allowed
Home-made produce: wine
BBQ, fireplace: Yes
Outside shower: at the property
Nearest shop: 50 m
Nearest public pay-phone: 50 m
Nearest post office: 7 km
Nearest bureau de change: 30 km
Distance from a first aid station: 30 km
Distance from a dentist: 30 km
Nearest petrol station: 30 km
Distance from the motorway: 6 km
Nearest cafe: 500 m
Nearest bakery: 7 km
Distance from the ferry port: 30 km
Distance from a hairdressing salon: 30 km
Anchorage for private boats: Yes, free of charge, possible at the property, ,
The property has an Internet connection: Yes
    5 m, , 4 m
  • each apartment has its own boiler, hot water is supplied to the apartment
  • drinking rain water
  • cold and hot water is supplied to the bathroom
  • cold and hot water is supplied to the kitchen
  • water is warmed in the electric boiler
  • water must be used rationally (e.g. to take a shorter shower, not to wash dishes in flowing water, etc.)
  • , ,
  • Only devices like smartphones, laptops or cameras can be charged
  • During prolonged cloudy weather, a power outage may occur
  • There are standard sockets in the property
Arrival restrictions to the object:
  • the last part od the road is via macadamr
A length of arrival on macadam: 150 m
Possibility of using common washing mashine (for all units in property): upon request, For a fee (please see the price list)
Distances are approximate and the value can vary.

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Photo of object
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Photo of object
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Photo of object
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