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Apartments Dinko

VIP partner of Adtia Databanka Own transport Aircondition Property with BBQ Internet

Why spend a holiday right here?

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    Property is just 50 m from a pebble beach
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    Free air conditioning
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    Free Wi-Fi Internet
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    Comfortably furnished apartments - LCD TV/SAT
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    BBQ available
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    Stylish tavern with a sittin' area behind the house
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    The world-famous beach Zrće is just 700 m far away
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    Resort of Novalja just 2 km away

What might bother you?

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    Night noise from party beach Zrće is rather close, but owners protected their apartments with window isolation to ensure quiet sleep for their guests.

How far is the house from the sea and where to go to swim?

Property "Apartments Dinko" is located ... m from the beach and from the sea as the crow flies 50 m. To give you a better idea of where you can swim, we went through our database of photos and based on GPS coordinates we have calculated the distances of the property from the nearby beaches.

The nearest beach

Photo of beach
Pebble beach Caska distant 100 m
Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach

We shot a video on this island, have a look!



Apartment APP 2 "3"

Max. 2 pers. | 1 bedroom
1x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1373-ND-PG-CD-3
Max. no. of persons 2
Number of rooms 2
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is allowed,
The property faces sea view, onto a forest
Bedroom 1 x double bed, wardrobe, bedside lamp, bedside tables
bathroom boiler 300 l , shower cubicle, WC, clothes horse
living room with kitchenette freezer 30 l , refrigerator 100 l , satellite, dinette area, hotplate (gas), hotplate (electricity), crockery, LCD TV
terrace outdoor furniture, clothes horse, garden view, sun awning
air conditioning free of charge
Internet free of charge, WiFi
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 2+2 "1"

Max. 4 pers. | 1 bedroom
1x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1373-ND-PG-CD-1
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 2
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is allowed
Bedroom bunk beds for 2 pers., 1 x double bed, wardrobe, bedside lamp, bedside tables
bathroom shower cubicle, WC, clothes horse, gas boiler
living room with kitchenette freezer 30 l , refrigerator 100 l , satellite, dinette area, hotplate (gas), hotplate (electricity), crockery, LCD TV
air conditioning free of charge
Internet free of charge, WiFi
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 2+2 "2"

Max. 4 pers. | 1 bedroom
1x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1373-ND-PG-CD-2
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 2
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is allowed,
The property faces sea view, onto a forest, the courtyard
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bunk beds for 2 pers., wardrobe, bedside lamp, bedside tables, fan, Air conditioning
bathroom shower cubicle, WC, clothes horse, gas boiler
living room with kitchenette freezer 30 l , refrigerator 100 l , satellite, dinette area, hotplate (gas), hotplate (electricity), crockery, LCD TV
terrace outdoor furniture, clothes horse, garden view, sun awning
air conditioning free of charge
Internet free of charge, WiFi
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 8 "4"

Max. 8 pers. | 4 bedrooms
1x unit_photo 6x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 1373-ND-PG-CD-4
Max. no. of persons 8
Number of rooms 5
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is allowed,
The property faces sea view, the courtyard
Bedroom 2 x bed, wardrobe
Bedroom 2 x bed, wardrobe
Bedroom 2 x bed, wardrobe
Bedroom 1 x double bed, wardrobe
bathroom boiler 300 l , bath tub, WC, clothes horse
bathroom boiler, shower cubicle, WC
living room with kitchenette freezer 30 l , refrigerator 100 l , satellite, outdoor furniture, dinette area, hotplate (gas), hotplate (electricity), crockery, LCD TV
balcony Sea view
air conditioning free of charge
Internet free of charge, WiFi
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

You should not miss this information

Important Information

  • »
    The owner doesn´t want a group of young people, only for families
    A minimal length of stay is 7 days.

How did the other guests like it here?

4.6 / 5 (13 ratings)

  1. Have you been satisfied with the resort, service levels and local beaches quality?
  2. Have you been satisfied with the behavior of the property owners and their services?
  3. Have you been satisfied with the accommodation quality, object cleanliness and its equipment? Were there any differences between the information on the web compared to the reality on the place of stay?
1. starstarstarstarstar

Pláž, u které jsme byli ubytováni, je ideální pro děti, částečně písečná. Příjmené restaurace, akorátní množství lidí, pozvolný přístup do vody. Maximální spokojenost.

2. starstarstarstarstar

Byli jsme malinko rozladěni vedlejší "diskotékovou" pláží, o které sice zmínka v nabídce ubytování byla, nicméně jsme nepředpokládali tak výrazný hluk. Byli noci, kdy se v podstatě nedalo spát.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Majitel příjemný, ochotný, ubytování čisté, útulné, dobře vybavené, splňovalo očekávání. Skvělá klimatice. Jediné, co nám chybělo, byla možnost posezení venku. Přímo u apartmánu byl pouze úzký balkon. Bylo nám nabídnuto pro případné grilování soukromé posezení od majitele, což bylo velice laskavé, ale nám ani nešlo o grilování, toho si doma užijeme až až, :), ale spíš o možnost posedět v noci venku se sklenkou vína. Jediná nevýhoda byla u pokoje bez okna, který sousedil se schodištěm přes luxfery. Pokaždé, když se v noci rozsvítilo schodiště, světlo nás budilo či lekalo. Sice zde byl závěs zakrývající luxfery, ale světlo bylo i tak ostré a dlouho zapnuté a zvuky ze schodiště výrazné.

M. Sukupová (Czech Republic / 2023)
4.7 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar


2. starstarstarstarstar

Veľmi milý pán, hneď nás ubytoval bez problému

3. starstarstarstarstar

Apartmány čisté, pekné o všetko sa tam starajú. Na úrovni.

M. Kováčová (Slovakia / 2022)
5.0 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

Pěkné čistá pláž

2. starstarstarstarstar

Majitelka příjemná

3. starstarstarstarstar

Vše odpovídalo webu vše čisté

P. Svoboda (Czech Republic / 2020)
5.0 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

2. starstarstarstarstar

3. starstarstarstarstar

M. Fiala (Czech Republic / 2019)
5.0 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

Chorvati by měli ještě zapracovat na čistotě pláží. Jediná nevýhoda této oblasti je pro rodiny s dětmi blízkost diskotékové pláže Zrce. Což znamená taneční hudba 24 h denně (ovšem úroveň hluku je nízká a v noci příliš neruší) a výskyt velkého počtu skupinek mladých "volnomyšlenkářských " lidí :)...

2. starstarstarstarstar

3. starstarstarstarstar

Byli jsme spokojeni, jedná se o typické chorvatské apartmány s příjemnou majitelkou a suprovou vzdáleností od moře.

T. Žid (Czech Republic / 2019)
4.0 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

Pláže cisté a hlavně pískové. Jenom na pláži zůstala jenom jedna restaurace.Další dvě, které zkrachovaly hyzdí pláž.

2. starstarstarstarstar

Majitel vstřícný usměvavý komunikativní.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Vybaveni objektu kvalitni, čistota objektu výborná.

Z. Holinka (Czech Republic / 2017)
4.7 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

Oblasť, ktorú sme si vybrali, bola krásna. Pláž kúsok od apartmánov. Spokojnosť.

2. starstarstarstarstar

Majiteľ bol milý, so službami sme boli spokojný.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytovanie bolo skvelé. Fotky na vašich stránkach zodpovedali skutočnosti.

A. Škodlerová (Slovakia / 2016)
5.0 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

restaurace v místě na dobré úrovni postrádali jsme pekárnu kvůli čerstvému pečivu hudba z pláže Zrce je slyšet nejen v nočních hodinách v noci velké množství komárů-nutný el. odpuzovač pláž pěkná,moře čisté,boty do vody vhodné čistota-TAK NA ÚKLIDU BY MĚLI CO NEJVÍC ZAPRACOVAT,nepořádek-pláž plná vajglů a o zbytek v okolí se starají návštěvníci Zrce-rozbité lahve,plechovky,plno plastů

2. starstarstarstarstar

majitel přátelský,bez problémů,žádná výtka

3. starstarstarstarstar

vše v pořádku,vše odpovídalo postrádali jsme rychlovarnou konvici a mikrovlnku

L. Turdová (Czech Republic / 2015)
4.3 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

2. starstarstarstarstar

3. starstarstarstarstar

J. Lysá (Czech Republic / 2014)
3.0 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

Pláž bola aj v skutočnosti taká ako na webe.

2. starstarstarstarstar

Majitelia boli milý, priateľský a najlepší z doterajších našich skúseností.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytovanie bolo ako na webe, všade bolo čisto a pekne.

M. Grusová (Slovakia / 2013)
5.0 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

tak, myśmy jednak dobrze znali tę okolicę już wcześniej i wiedzieliśmy czego możemy się spodziewać. Zapewne inni, którzy nie mieliby tej szansy, byliby zdziwieni 24h dyskotekami. Gdzie Państwo zapewniali mnie, że hałasu w obiekcie który wybrałam nie słychać...Więc k woli ścisłości : słychać i to dosyć mocno, zwłaszcza w nocy.

2. starstarstarstarstar

Właściciel wspaniały:)

3. starstarstarstarstar

Tak, domek czyściutki i dobrze wyposażony

G. Kmiecik (Poland / 2013)
5.0 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

plaz, ktora bola vedla ubytovania bola znecistena ( ohorky, smeti ). Vzdialenejsia plaz ( cca 10 minut pesi ) bola vynikajuca.

Spravanie majitela bolo v poriadku, sluzby nie.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytovanie absolutne nezodpoveda tomu, co je ponukane. 8 - miestny apartman so 4 izbami, kde jedna izba je priechodna a nema okno nie je v sulade s mojou predstavou o akomkolvek ubytovani ( ak izba nema okno a je priechodna, slusnost kaze to napisat ). Dalej 4 miestny apartman pre 4 dospele osoby, ktory je svojou velkostou vhodny pre 2 dospele osoby a mozno dve deti, rovnako nepovazujem za idealne miesto na travenie dovolenky. Na fotkach na Vasej stranke su prezentovane miesta ako gril, zahrada a logicky som sa domnievala, ze su k dispozicii ubytovanym, ale nie, su sukromne tj. uziva ich majitel a ked ich chcete vyuzit je potrebne ad 1 aby tam aktualne majitel nebol a ad 2 aby Vam to dovolil. Dovolim si zdoraznit, ze toto ubytovanie bolo z tych drahsich, ktore su v chorvatsku a urcite ho nikdy neodporucim. Zhrnutie - celu dovolenku sme skratili o 3 dni, lebo pohodlie vyzera uplne inac.

K. Souckova (Slovakia / 2013)
1.7 starstarstarstarstar
1. starstarstarstarstar

Hledali jsme klidnější letovisko pro rodinou dovolenou vadila nám velmi hlasitá hudba od půlnoci ze sousední pláže.

2. starstarstarstarstar

chování majitele a služby v objektu byli na dobré úrovni

3. starstarstarstarstar

rozdíly byly k lepšímu na webu byl pokoj nafocen s palandou a v apartmánu byla místo ní rozkládací postel což je s malými dětmi lepší . Ubytování bylo krásné objekt byl čistý a velmi dobře vybaven

Z. Šubíková Řeháková (Czech Republic / 2013)
4.3 starstarstarstarstar

Where can you find the accommodation?

How to book your stay?

You can book your stay by paying an advance payment of about 50% of the total price and pay the rest to the owner of the property on the spot in euros. If you do not want to take cash with you, you can send the other half to us 45 days before your stay and we will send the payment to the owner. You can pay by card, bank transfer, vouchers, or for example by an employee benefits.

Take a look at the summary information about the property and its surroundings

Property code: 1373-ND-PG-CD
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Area of the property: secluded, ,
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Distance from the centre: 400 m
Directions to the property from the main road: via a macadam road
Directions to the property by car: good
Property code: 1373-ND-PG-CD
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Area of the property: secluded, ,
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Distance from the centre: 400 m
Directions to the property from the main road: via a macadam road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: yes, the holiday home has its own parking
Distance from the sea: 50 m
Distance from the beach: 50 m
Type of beach: pebble
The owners also rent another units in their house which are not in offer : Yes
Owners on-site: Yes, they live in the property
Services provided: Accommodation in a private house
Available from: 01.06.2024
Available till: 01.10.2024
Arrival and departure date: Any day of the week, directly following on from any existing reservations (14:00, 10:00)
Suitable for: Family holiday
Can be borrowed from the owner: deckchair
Dogs allowed: not allowed
Heating: Yes
Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Croatian
Home-made produce: local wine, raki, For fee
Bed linen: once per stay
Towels: once per stay
Toilet paper: once per stay
BBQ, fireplace: Yes
Outside shower: at the property
Nearest shop: 2 km
Nearest public pay-phone: 100 m
Nearest post office: 2 km
Nearest bureau de change: 2 km
Distance from a first aid station: 2 km
Distance from a dentist: 2 km
Distance from a hospital: 80 km
Nearest petrol station: 2 km
Distance from the motorway: 15 km
Nearest cafe: 100 m
Nearest bakery: 2 km
Nearest newspaper stand: 2 km
Distance from the train station: 80 km
Distance from the airport: 80 km
Distance from the ferry port: 8 km
Distance from a hairdressing salon: 2 km
Distance from a beauty salon: 2 km
Distance from tennis courts: 3 km
Distance from playground: 2 km
Nearest sports playing fields: 3 km
Meals available: grill, pizzeria, restaurant
The property has an Internet connection: Yes
Important Information: The owner doesn´t want a group of young people, only for families
A minimal length of stay is 7 days.
: 50 m, , 400 m
Distances are approximate and the value can vary.

Read about the area

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