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Secluded holiday home Ina 3

Own transport Aircondition Video

Why spend a holiday right here?

  • »
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    Property is just 40 m from the sea
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    Free air conditioning
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    Free Wi-Fi Internet
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    In the bay a nice pebble beach for children
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    Sitting on the shaded terrace
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    Sunbeds on a large sun terrace
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    Beautiful pebble beach Pokrivenik is just 700 m far away
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    Comfortably furnished apartment
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    Sea view
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    Food Bar Marina 120 m - right on the beach
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    Great restaurant "Timun" in Pokrivenik Bay
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    Well-known resorts Jelsa, Hvar, Starigrad, Vrboska nearby
The object is no longer available.

How do we see it?

Robinzonada Ina 3 offers accommodation in apartment 2+2. This is a nice detached house with its own entrance on a private plot in a quiet part of the bay Zaraće just 40 m from the sea. A smaller but nice pebble beach suitable for small children is in the bay 100 m away. There is also a small home-made café right next to this beach, where you can have a refreshment right above the beach. Guests can enjoy excellent bathing and swimming in the clear sea on the flat rocks just 40 metres from the house.

A pleasant rest awaits you in the beautifully maintained garden full of Mediterranean plants. You can sunbathe or sleep on sun loungers surrounded by fragrant Dalmatian herbs and growing artichokes on the terrace made of local Hvar stone, which offers a beautiful view of the turquoise sea, the bay, the coast of the island of Hvar and the Biokovo mountains on the coast of the Makarska Riviera. You will enjoy a very spacious shaded terrace for sitting down for meals, on which there is a fully equipped summer open kitchen and barbecue. The apartment is tastefully furnished and equipped with everything you need.

During your stay in Zaraće Bay you can take a walk to the exceptional Pokrivenik Bay with its impressive cliffs and beautiful wide beach of fine pebbles, which is less than a kilometre away from Zaraće Bay. A small motorboat will take you to this beach from the local hotel for a small fee. In Pokrivenik Bay, the small family-run Ametyst Hotel has an excellent restaurant where you can try a variety of delicious Dalmatian specialities, fresh fish and seafood.

Parking is available about 30 m from the house, right by the sea, or even better in the shade of the trees a short distance away above a small pebble beach. There are no water and electricity restrictions in the robinzonada. The world-famous sunny and lavender island of Hvar offers a wide range of excursions to the famous resorts of Hvar, Stari Grad, Vrboska and Jelsa and many excursions to the surrounding beautiful nature and other pebble beaches.

For groups:

Robinsonade Ina 3 is, together with Robinsonades Ina 1 and Ina 2, part of a complex of 3 separate houses with beautiful gardens, in an exceptional location, quietly above the beautiful bay of Zaraće. This is an excellent place for single families and friends to stay during the high season in July and August.

In the pre-season (May, June, September and October) this complex is ideal for stays of groups practicing yoga and other types of exercises, various meditation and educational stays for groups.

We shot a video in this house, have a look!



Apartment APP 4

Max. 4 pers. | 2 bedrooms
2x unit_photo
Code of the unit: 1433/3-SD-OH-ZZ-1
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 3
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is allowed,
The property faces sea view, onto the garden, onto the street, onto a forest, the courtyard
air conditioning free of charge
terrace outdoor furniture, ,
living room with kitchenette freezer 60 l , refrigerator, microwave oven, dinette area, hotplate (gas), crockery, iron, sofa bed
bathroom boiler 60 l , shower cubicle, WC
Bedroom 1 x double bed, TV, wardrobe, satellite, bedside lamp, bedside tables
Bedroom 1 x double bed
Internet free of charge, WiFi
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

You should not miss this information

Limitations of electricity in the building:

  • None, there is 220/230 V electricity in the property

Water restrictions:

  • water is warmed in the electric boiler
  • »
  • water must be used rationally, it must be delivered

Important Information

  • »
    You can reach the property via an asphalt road and there are no restrictions of electricity consumption.

How did the other guests like it here?

4.7 / 5 (12 ratings)

star star star star star
  1. Have you been satisfied with the resort, service levels and local beaches quality?
  2. Have you been satisfied with the behavior of the property owners and their services?
  3. Have you been satisfied with the accommodation quality, object cleanliness and its equipment? Were there any differences between the information on the web compared to the reality on the place of stay?
1. star star star star star

služby tam žádné nejsou, jedná se o robinsonádu. Právě proto jsme byli spokojeni.

2. star star star star star

ano, velmi

3. starstarstarstarstar

chyběl mi fén a nějaká obyčejná židle. Je zde pouze lavice a lehátka. Informace odpovídali realitě.

K. Lapková (Czech Republic / 2024)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Nádherné a klidné prostredi

2. star star star star star

Na místě nás přivítal pan Ladislav Skácal, s jeho přístupem jsme byli maximálně spokojeni.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytování bylo trošku zastaralé. Jelikož se jednalo o robinsonádu nemůžeme čekat žádný luxus. Za mě by to chtělo závěs do sprchy a hodil by se obyčejný sušák na prádlo. Vzhledem k tomu že jsme jeli za sluníčkem mořem a krásným prostředím tak těch pár mínusu nemělo vliv na pocit s pěkně dovolené.

P. Izaiasz (Czech Republic / 2024)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

služby tam žádné nejsou, jedná se o robinsonádu. Právě proto jsme byli spokojeni.

2. star star star star star

ano, velmi

3. starstarstarstarstar

chyběl mi fén a nějaká obyčejná židle. Je zde pouze lavice a lehátka. Informace odpovídali realitě.

K. Lapková (Czech Republic / 2024)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Nádherné a klidné prostredi

2. star star star star star

Na místě nás přivítal pan Ladislav Skácal, s jeho přístupem jsme byli maximálně spokojeni.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytování bylo trošku zastaralé. Jelikož se jednalo o robinsonádu nemůžeme čekat žádný luxus. Za mě by to chtělo závěs do sprchy a hodil by se obyčejný sušák na prádlo. Vzhledem k tomu že jsme jeli za sluníčkem mořem a krásným prostředím tak těch pár mínusu nemělo vliv na pocit s pěkně dovolené.

P. Izaiasz (Czech Republic / 2024)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

2. star star star star star

3. starstarstarstarstar

M. Gryc (Czech Republic / 2024)
4.3 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Lokalita předčila naše očekávání.

2. star star star star star

Majitelé byli velmi vřelí, dokonce byli ochotni zapůjčit bez poplatků prkna na vodu.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Kvalita ubytování u vybavení plně souhlasilo s popisem a fotografiemi na webu objektu, byť nafocené tak, že mohou působit prostornějším dojmem, než ve skutečnosti. Prostory byly čisté, některé vybavení - např. postele prakticky nové.

M. Sirový (Czech Republic / 2023)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Iskali smo mirno lokacijo in to tudi dobili. Dovolj je bil ta en home made bar, kjer smo se osvezili s pivom, otroci pa sladoledom

2. star star star star star

Super prijazen, ustrezljiv

3. starstarstarstarstar

Apartma smo dobili tak, kot je bil opisan. Blizina plaze prav tako. Skratka, bili smo zelo zadovoljni.

?. Čotar (Slovenia / 2023)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Letovisko se nám velmi líbí, je tam klid.

2. star star star star star

Velmi spokojeni, bylo nám doporučeno spousta tipů na výlet, restaurace atd.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Jediné co by se dalo vylepšit je vybavenost apartmánu, hlavně kuchyně. Ostatní bez problému. Info na webu odpovídalo skutečnosti.

I. Mikaskova (Czech Republic / 2022)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Letnisko ok , plaża trochę zaniedbans

2. star star star star star

Szkoda że właściciele nie mówią choć trochę po angielsku

3. starstarstarstarstar

Bardzo czysty obiekt i dobrze wyposażony , piękny widok na okolice. Wszystko zgodnie z opisem .

E. Mikulska (Poland / 2020)
4.3 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Vzhledem k odlehlosti zátoky byly nějaké nedostatky, jako obchody a celková logistika, očekávané.

2. star star star star star

Pan majitel s paní majitelkou byli skvělí. Při jakémkoliv problému ihned reagovali. Paní majitelka nám skoro každý den přinesla nějaké dobroty (kynuté buchty, bůček, klobásy, ryby). Vřele doporučuji.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Kvalita ubytování, čistota a jeho vybavení odpovídá informacím na webu. Rozdíl byl pouze co se týče zátoky. Na webu je psána písečná pláž, na fotografiích je vyfocena taky, ale skutečně jsou na pláži malé oblázky. Jako problém to vůbec nebereme, nebylo to pro nás prioritní, ale některé "rýpavé" zájemce, by to mohlo otrávit.

P. Běloch (Czech Republic / 2019)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Vse je bilo super! Nikjer pa nismo zlasledili da je apartma na bregu in je pot do njega peš-zelo strma!

2. star star star star star

Lastniki so fantasticni! Zelo prijetni in ljubeci! Ostali smo v stiku!

3. starstarstarstarstar

Čistoča, oprema..vse OK! Apartma vse nudi lar clovek potrebuje!

S. ARINGER (Slovenia / 2017)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

2. star star star star star

3. starstarstarstarstar

R. Stejskal (Czech Republic / 2016)
4.3 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

+Nádherná zátoka, byli jsme na robinzonádě, kde žádné služby prakticky nejsou, což ale vůbec nevadí. -Na můj vkus však strašně moc lidí i na tak odlehlém místě. Nejhorší jsou hlučné české skupiny 4 a více rodin, které ještě ve 2 ráno nejsou schopny být aspoň ticho.

2. star star star star star

Skvělí milí lidé, ochotní, vstřícní. Vše bez problémů.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Skutečnost odpovídala informacím na webu. Žádná nesrovnalost.

L. Bednářová (Czech Republic / 2016)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

byl jsem velmi spokojený

2. star star star star star

byl jsem velmi spokojený

3. starstarstarstarstar

byl jsem velmi spokojený. vše bylo tak jak mělo být

J. Vašíček (Czech Republic / 2016)
5.0 star star star star star

Where can you find the accommodation?

How to book your stay?

You can book your stay by paying an advance payment of about 50% of the total price and pay the rest to the owner of the property on the spot in euros. If you do not want to take cash with you, you can send the other half to us 45 days before your stay and we will send the payment to the owner. You can pay by card, bank transfer, vouchers, or for example by an employee benefits.

Take a look at the summary information about the property and its surroundings

Property code: 1433/3-SD-OH-ZZ
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Area of the property: , on a slight hill
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Directions to the property from the main road: via a macadam road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: 30 m from the property by the sea, 80 m in the shade by the sea, free of charge, , 100m
Property code: 1433/3-SD-OH-ZZ
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Area of the property: , on a slight hill
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Directions to the property from the main road: via a macadam road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: 30 m from the property by the sea, 80 m in the shade by the sea, free of charge, , 100m
Distance from the sea: 40 m
Distance from the beach: 40 m
Type of beach: pebble, sun deck, rocky
The owners also rent another units in their house which are not in offer : Yes
Owners on-site: Yes, they live in the property
Services provided: Accommodation in a private house
Available from: 01.05.2025
Available till: 31.10.2025
Arrival and departure date: any day of the week, directly following on from any existing reservations
Arrival: 14:00
Departure: 9:00
Suitable for: Peaceful countryside holiday, Family holiday
Dogs allowed: not allowed
Heating: Yes
Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Czech, Croatian
Home-made produce: local wine, oil, prosciutto, raki, For fee
Bed linen: once per stay
Towels: once per stay
Toilet paper: once per stay
BBQ, fireplace: Yes
Nearest shop: 6 km Grdinj
Nearest post office: 6 km
Nearest bureau de change: 30 km
Distance from a first aid station: 30 km
Distance from a dentist: 30 km
Distance from a hospital: 30 km
Nearest petrol station: 30 km
Nearest cafe: 100 m, 700 m
Nearest bakery: 30 km
Distance from the ferry port: 30 km
Distance from tennis courts: 30 km
Nearest sports playing fields: 30 km
Meals available: grill, pizzeria, restaurant
The property has an Internet connection: Yes
Internet: WiFi
Important Information:
You can reach the property via an asphalt road and there are no restrictions of electricity consumption.
    20 m
  • water is warmed in the electric boiler
  • water must be used rationally, it must be delivered
  • None, there is 220/230 V electricity in the property
Distances are approximate and the value can vary.

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