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Apartments Bosa

VIP partner of Adtia Databanka Own transport Aircondition Property with BBQ Possibility of boat anchoring Internet Ideal for group of friends

Why spend a holiday right here?

  • »
    Property is right by the sea
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    Free air conditioning
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    Free Wi-Fi Internet
  • »
    Comfortably furnished apartments - TV/SAT
  • »
    BBQ available
  • »
    Some units have a washing machine
  • »
    All the apartments have a sea view
  • »
    Quiet area of the resort
  • »
    Mooring for guest's own boat can be provided

How far is the house from the sea and where to go to swim?

Property "Apartments Bosa" is located ... m from the beach as the crow flies 2 m and to the nearest beach it is 30 m . To give you a better idea of where you can swim, we went through our database of photos and based on GPS coordinates we have calculated the distances of the property from the nearby beaches.

The nearest beach

Photo of beach
Pebble beach - distant 43 m
Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach

We shot a video on this riviera, have a look!



Apartment APP 2+2

Max. 4 pers. | 1 bedroom
1x unit_photo 1x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 466-ND-RS-KC-1
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 2
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is only allowed on the terrace/balcony,
The property faces sea view, the courtyard
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
living room with kitchenette refrigerator, sofa bed for 2 pers., freezer, TV, wardrobe, satellite, dishwasher, iron (upon request), radio, dinette area, hotplate (gas), crockery
bathroom boiler, shower cubicle, hair dryer (upon request), WC
terrace outdoor furniture, sun umbrella, clothes horse, Sea view
air conditioning free of charge
Internet free of charge, WiFi
Accommodation with dogs not allowed
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 6

Max. 6 pers. | 3 bedrooms
2x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 466-ND-RS-KC-2
Max. no. of persons 6
Number of rooms 4
Type of building Apartment
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe
Bedroom 2 x bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
living room with kitchenette freezer, refrigerator, TV, satellite, dishwasher, iron (upon request), radio, dinette area, hotplate (gas), hotplate (electricity), crockery
terrace outdoor furniture, sun umbrella, clothes horse, Sea view
air conditioning free of charge
Internet free of charge, WiFi
bathroom washing machine, shower cubicle, WC, boiler
Accommodation with dogs not allowed
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

How did the other guests like it here?

4.8 / 5 (11 ratings)

star star star star star
  1. Have you been satisfied with the resort, service levels and local beaches quality?
  2. Have you been satisfied with the behavior of the property owners and their services?
  3. Have you been satisfied with the accommodation quality, object cleanliness and its equipment? Were there any differences between the information on the web compared to the reality on the place of stay?
1. star star star star star

Krásná a čistá voda ,klid, pohoda

2. star star star star star

Majitelka je báječná žena. Vše v rámci objektu má hlavu a patu.

3. starstarstarstarstar

U vybavení chybí opravdu jen mikrovlnka. Vše plně funkční, čisté, prostorné. Všechny informace uveřejněné na webu se shodovaly s realitou na místě. Děkuji za moc pěknou a klidnou dovolenou dle našich představ. Mohu doporučit všem co hledají relax a odpočinek bez masy lidí :-)

p. majer (Czech Republic / 2016)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

cicho, spokojnie, przyjazne zejście do plaży, zero tłoku możliwość korzystania z leżaków

2. star star star star star

Gospodarze bardzo serdeczni, gościnni, nie narzucający się, super domowa atmosfera. Po przyjeździe uraczyli nas przepyszną wiśniówką i aromatyczną kawą.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Informację zgodne ze stanem rzeczywistym, obiekt bardzo czysty, w pełni wyposażony, żadnych ukrytych opłat; cudowne brzoskwinie u sąsiada :-)

P. Czerwiński (Poland / 2016)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Krásná a čistá voda ,klid, pohoda

2. star star star star star

Majitelka je báječná žena. Vše v rámci objektu má hlavu a patu.

3. starstarstarstarstar

U vybavení chybí opravdu jen mikrovlnka. Vše plně funkční, čisté, prostorné. Všechny informace uveřejněné na webu se shodovaly s realitou na místě. Děkuji za moc pěknou a klidnou dovolenou dle našich představ. Mohu doporučit všem co hledají relax a odpočinek bez masy lidí :-)

p. majer (Czech Republic / 2016)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

cicho, spokojnie, przyjazne zejście do plaży, zero tłoku możliwość korzystania z leżaków

2. star star star star star

Gospodarze bardzo serdeczni, gościnni, nie narzucający się, super domowa atmosfera. Po przyjeździe uraczyli nas przepyszną wiśniówką i aromatyczną kawą.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Informację zgodne ze stanem rzeczywistym, obiekt bardzo czysty, w pełni wyposażony, żadnych ukrytych opłat; cudowne brzoskwinie u sąsiada :-)

P. Czerwiński (Poland / 2016)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

letovisko kludné, denne rozvoz chleba a zeleniny, ryby 2x týždenne v mori bohužial odpad, pláž pod apartmánom čistá

2. star star star star star

ochotná, ustretová domáca, vzniknutý problem riešila okamžite

3. starstarstarstarstar

perfektne vybavená kuchyna, velká priestranná terasa skutočnost zodpovedala vašej informácii

i. Honko (Slovakia / 2016)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

plaž byla trochu znečištěná není tam odpadkový koš

2. star star star star star

jsou báječní,srdeční a apartmány vybavené,čisté a v krásném prostredí

3. starstarstarstarstar

perfektní nemam co vytknout

Z. Spoustova (Czech Republic / 2015)
4.3 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Malá a klidná obec. Pláž soukromá,žádní lidé, pohoda,klid. Nehodí se pro milovníky ruchu velkoměst a zábavy.

2. star star star star star

Přátelská atmosféra, každý den káva a pití na pláži.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytování odpovídalo popisu. Nový, pěkný a čistý apartmán. Krásný výhled na moře a naši pláž.

M. Klimša (Czech Republic / 2014)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Naprosto idilická dovolená - téměř robinzonáda, moře čisté, málo lidí, klid

2. star star star star star

Majitel(ka) vstřícná, ochotná - možná až moc, ale asi to patří k mentalitě

3. starstarstarstarstar

Nově a moderně zrekonstruovaný apartmán, perfektně vybavený a čistý

L. Pivoda (Czech Republic / 2014)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

pokud hledáte klídek tak to nemá chybu, ov osadě jena malá restaurace , pekař jezdí ráno

2. star star star star star

na jedničku, kafíčko, ořechovka a tak

3. starstarstarstarstar

trošku chběla miktovlnka ale jinak bez připomínek

P. Levíček (Czech Republic / 2014)
4.7 star star star star star

Z ubytováním jsme byli také spokojeni a paní majitelka byla úžasná.

A. Keilová (Czech Republic / 2010)

Vše bylo super!

M. Helcelová (Czech Republic / 2010)

Po příjezdu z letoviska Kanica, jsem psala e-mail Vaší cestovní kanceláří, kde jsem uvedla, že jsem s pobytem a s majitelkou domu byla velmi spokojena. Poskytla nám nejen soukromí, ale vzala nás do své rodiny jako za vlastní a snažila se nám pobyt zpříjemnit. Ukázala nám okolí a informovala nás i o dalších zajimavostech.

Adámková (Czech Republic / 2010)

Ubytovanie bolo super - poloha hneď pri mori, žiadne nosenie vecí, čo teda musíme podotknúť bolo maximálna čistota zariadenia - s takouto úrovňou sme sa nestretli ani v hoteli, domáci veľmi príjemní a veľmi pohostinní - s takými sme sa teda tiež ešte nestretli. Bola to veľmi príjemná a krásna dovolenka, hlavne sme mali kľud od množstva turistov. Bola to oáza na oddych

Hláveková (Slovakia / 2010)

Where can you find the accommodation?

How to book your stay?

You can book your stay by paying an advance payment of about 50% of the total price and pay the rest to the owner of the property on the spot in euros. If you do not want to take cash with you, you can send the other half to us 45 days before your stay and we will send the payment to the owner. You can pay by card, bank transfer, vouchers, or for example by an employee benefits.

Take a look at the summary information about the property and its surroundings

Property code: 466-ND-RS-KC
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Area of the property: , in a quiet part of town, in the bay (where are 5 houses)
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Directions to the property from the main road: via an asphalted road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: yes, the holiday home has its own parking
Property code: 466-ND-RS-KC
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Area of the property: , in a quiet part of town, in the bay (where are 5 houses)
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Directions to the property from the main road: via an asphalted road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: yes, the holiday home has its own parking
Distance from the sea: 2 m
Distance from the beach: 30 m
Distance from the beach en route: 5
Type of beach: pebble, rocky
Owners on-site: Yes, they live in the property
Services provided: Accommodation in a private house
Available from: 01.05.2025
Available till: 01.11.2025
Arrival and departure date: Any day of the week, directly following on from any existing reservations (14:00, 10:00)
Suitable for: Holiday with friends, Peaceful countryside holiday, Family holiday
Can be borrowed from the owner: free of charge, kayak, deckchair, sun umbrella
Dogs allowed: not allowed
Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Croatian
Home-made produce: local wine, Can be purchased at the market or in the town, raki, Travarica (Croatian grape schnapps), For fee
Bed linen: once a week
Towels: once a week
Toilet paper: as required
BBQ, fireplace: Yes
Outside shower: at the property
Nearest shop: 2000, 2 km
Nearest public pay-phone: 50, 20 m
Nearest post office: 7000, 10 km
Nearest bureau de change: 10 km
Distance from a first aid station: 23000
Distance from a dentist: 7000
Distance from a hospital: 23000
Nearest petrol station: 10000, 20 km
Nearest large town: 10km
Distance from the motorway: 4000, 4 km
Nearest cafe: 600
Nearest bakery: 100
Nearest newspaper stand: 7000
Distance from the train station: 45000
Distance from the ferry port: 45000
Nearest sports playing fields: 10000
Entertainment: 20 km
Other places to eat: 5km
Local excursions: organised by an agency in the resort
Anchorage for private boats: Yes
Taxi: Yes
The property has an Internet connection: Yes
Car rental: Yes
Services: transport to/from the hotel, Internet
: 600
Distance from a pharmacy: 7000
Distance from a disco club: 15000
Property is accessible by car: by regular car
Distances are approximate and the value can vary.

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Photo of object
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Photo of object
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