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Apartments Borislav

VIP partner of Adtia Databanka Own transport Aircondition Possibility of boat anchoring Internet Pets allowed Ideal for group of friends

Why spend a holiday right here?

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    Property is just 10 m from the sea
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    Free air conditioning
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    Free Wi-Fi Internet
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    Sea views from the apartments' terraces
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    Pets allowed for a fee
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    In resort are beautiful pebble beaches
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    Some units have a washing machine
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    Some units have a dishwasher
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    All the apartments have a sea view
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    Boat mooring can be provided
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    Apartments furnished with TV/SAT
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    BBQ available

How far is the house from the sea and where to go to swim?

Property "Apartments Borislav" is located ... m from the beach as the crow flies 10 m and to the nearest beach it is 80 m . To give you a better idea of where you can swim, we went through our database of photos and based on GPS coordinates we have calculated the distances of the property from the nearby beaches.

The nearest beach

Photo of beach
Pebble beach Drašnice distant 102 m
Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach



Apartment APP 2+1 "I-2"

Max. 2 pers. | 1 bedroom
1x unit_photo 1x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 717-SD-MR-DS-2
Max. no. of persons 3
Number of rooms 2
Type of building Apartment
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
living room with kitchenette freezer, refrigerator, 1 x additional bed, TV, dishwasher, microwave oven, dinette area, hotplate (electricity), crockery, fridge with freezer
bathroom boiler 30 l , shower cubicle, WC
terrace outdoor furniture, sun umbrella, clothes horse, Sea view
air conditioning free of charge
Internet free of charge, WiFi
Accommodation with dogs not allowed
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 2+1 "I-3"

Max. 3 pers. | 1 bedroom
1x unit_photo 1x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 717-SD-MR-DS-3
Floor: ground floor
Location ground floor
Max. no. of persons 3
Number of rooms 2
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is only allowed on the terrace/balcony,
The property faces sea view, onto the street, the courtyard,
Max. no. of children under 2 without their own bed 1
Bedroom 1 x double bed, wardrobe, bedside lamp, bedside tables, dressing table, mirror
living room with kitchenette sofa bed for 1 pers., TV, satellite, dishwasher, microwave oven, coffee maker, dinette area, hotplate (gas), crockery, kettle, fridge with freezer
bathroom WC, mirror, washbasin
terrace outdoor furniture, sun umbrella, clothes horse, Sea view
Internet free of charge, WiFi
air conditioning free of charge
Accommodation with dogs For a fee (please see the price list)
bathroom boiler 50 l , shower cubicle, WC, mirror, hairdryer, access through hallway, washbasin, room has no window
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 2+2 "I-1"

Max. 4 pers. | 1 bedroom
1x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 717-SD-MR-DS-1
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 3
Type of building Apartment
Bedroom 1 x double bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
living-room 2 x bed, TV, wardrobe, satellite
Kitchen freezer, refrigerator, microwave oven, coffee maker, iron (upon request), dinette area, hotplate (gas), crockery, kettle, oven (for baking)
bathroom boiler 30 l , shower cubicle, WC
bathroom boiler 30 l , washing machine, shower cubicle, WC
terrace outdoor furniture, sun umbrella, clothes horse, clothes line, Sea view
air conditioning free of charge
Internet free of charge, WiFi
Accommodation with dogs not allowed
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

Apartment APP 4 "I-4"

Max. 4 pers. | 3 bedrooms
1x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 717-SD-MR-DS-4
Floor: ground floor
Location ground floor
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 4
Type of building Apartment,
We recommend maximum capacity 2 adults, and 3 children under 12 yrs,
Max. no. of children under 2 without their own bed 1
Bedroom 1 x double bed, wardrobe, bedside lamp, bedside tables
Kitchen refrigerator 160 l , freezer 55 l , TV, satellite, dishwasher, microwave oven, coffee maker, dinette area, crockery, oven (for baking)
bathroom boiler 30 l , shower cubicle, WC
terrace outdoor furniture, sun umbrella, clothes horse, Sea view
Internet free of charge, WiFi
air conditioning free of charge
Bedroom 2 x bed, wardrobe, bedside lamp, bedside tables
Accommodation with dogs For a fee (please see the price list)
Bedroom bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables, WC, Sea view, mirror, , extra bed for children/child (upon inquiry), mosquito net on the window,
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

You should not miss this information

Important Information

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How did the other guests like it here?

4.9 / 5 (10 ratings)

star star star star star
  1. Have you been satisfied with the resort, service levels and local beaches quality?
  2. Have you been satisfied with the behavior of the property owners and their services?
  3. Have you been satisfied with the accommodation quality, object cleanliness and its equipment? Were there any differences between the information on the web compared to the reality on the place of stay?
1. star star star star star

2. star star star star star

3. starstarstarstarstar

M. Rullová (Czech Republic / 2022)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

letovisko jsem si vybrali sami, bohužel na některých částech pláže nejsou oblázky, ale navezený štěrk který není tak zaoblený, v letovisku vyvěrají do moře studené prameny z hor, takže mírně ochlazují vodu.

2. star star star star star

Paní domácí nás ihned ubytovala bez čekání, rozumí perfektně česky a večer jsme se u sklenky vína i něco dozvěděli o místním životě.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Nic nás na vybavení negativně nepřekvapilo, dokonce jsme dostali zadarmo čerstvé fíky, olivový olej a likér jak bylo někde v poznámce zmíněno.

P. Schőn (Czech Republic / 2019)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

2. star star star star star

3. starstarstarstarstar

M. Rullová (Czech Republic / 2022)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

letovisko jsem si vybrali sami, bohužel na některých částech pláže nejsou oblázky, ale navezený štěrk který není tak zaoblený, v letovisku vyvěrají do moře studené prameny z hor, takže mírně ochlazují vodu.

2. star star star star star

Paní domácí nás ihned ubytovala bez čekání, rozumí perfektně česky a večer jsme se u sklenky vína i něco dozvěděli o místním životě.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Nic nás na vybavení negativně nepřekvapilo, dokonce jsme dostali zadarmo čerstvé fíky, olivový olej a likér jak bylo někde v poznámce zmíněno.

P. Schőn (Czech Republic / 2019)
4.7 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Mala vesnice klidna a cista. Plaze uplne super ciste a moricko nemelo.chybu. jen bych mozna vytkla to ze v letovisku chybi neco jako houlacky stacili by klasicke, je tam spousta deti ktere se vecer nudili. Rodice by si urcite radi odpocinuli :-)

2. star star star star star

Pani Iness hned po prijezdu byla pripravena a cekala nas. Byla ochotna a mila. Vse vysvetlila a poradila a tim ze bydli hned v objektu tak i je porad k dispozici. Vubec neprudi vzdy kdyz nas potkala tak se usmala a poprala hezky den.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Apartman byl podle popisu z webu nic mu.nechybelo. byl vonavy cistoucky a uplne jako doma. Opravdu super vse tak jak bylo napsano. Mycka a pracka byla soucasti a opravdu to tak bylo, dokonce byli pripravene i tablety do mycky i jar a vse potrebne. Proste jako by jste prijeli domu. Za nas ta nejlepsi dovolena co jsme kdy byli.

L. Vacková (Czech Republic / 2019)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

pláže mají malou kapacitu pro hodně lidi

2. star star star star star

Spokojenost na 100 procent

3. starstarstarstarstar

normálně,stačilo Rozdíl nebyl

N. Smirnova (Czech Republic / 2018)
4.7 star star star star star

Místo i pláže jsou krásné a čisté,úroven služeb skvělá.

Majitelka milá a vstřícná, vše v pohodě.

Objekt čistý,vybaven přesně jak bylo uvedeno ,rozdíl mezi informacemi na webu a skutečností žádný.

j. vyhnánek (Czech Republic / 2018)

Drašnice - pěkné malé letovisko, dostatek "domorodců" , což nám vyhovovalo. Velmi příjemné místo pro klidnější dovolenou, výborné koupání, pěkné místo na večerní procházky ve spletenci romantických uliček.

vše za 1*

Ubytování bylo moc pěkné a příjemné a hlavně se líbilo našemu synovi(nám samozřejmě taky), pod okny nám kotvili rybářské loďky a za nimi zapadalo slunce. Lepší než na fotkách mj. na stránkách apartmánu je vše věrohodnější. Velkou zásluhu na naší spokojenosti má Paní Ines, tímto jí ještě jednou děkujeme.

D. Stuchlík (Czech Republic / 2017)
1. star star star star star

Pláže v Drašnici jsou dostatečně prostorné a jejich dost pro rozprostření všech ubytovaných hostů vesnice. Někdy se najde nějaký nepořádek (nedopalky, plechovky piva atd), je to však o způsobu chování lidí a jejich soudnosti/výchově.

2. star star star star star

Majitelka i majitel byli velice příjemní a vstřícní, dokonce nám dali pozornost v podobě olivového oleje a pálenky při odjezdu. Několikrát jsem nachystal odpad před vstup, že jej následně po odchodu na pláž vyhodím do společné popelnice, avšak vždy, než jsem jej stačil vyhodit, byl již odnesený. Skoro každý den se nás dotazovali, zdali je vše v pořádku.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Byli jsme příjemně překvapeni, že se v apartmánu nacházeli dvě WC. K dokonalosti chybělo lepší odhlučnění se sousedním apartmánem.

J. Krysl (Czech Republic / 2017)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

vše super

2. star star star star star

naprosá spokojenost, příští rok jedeme znovu :-)

3. starstarstarstarstar

skutečnost byla ještě daleko lepší, než na fotkách

p. rytirova (Czech Republic / 2016)
5.0 star star star star star

Pobyt byl velmi příjemný, ubytování na úrovni.Paní majitelka je velmi příjemná

R. Vařecha (Czech Republic / 2009)


paní Drapelová (Czech Republic / 2008)

Where can you find the accommodation?

How to book your stay?

You can book your stay by paying an advance payment of about 50% of the total price and pay the rest to the owner of the property on the spot in euros. If you do not want to take cash with you, you can send the other half to us 45 days before your stay and we will send the payment to the owner. You can pay by card, bank transfer, vouchers, or for example by an employee benefits.

Take a look at the summary information about the property and its surroundings

Property code: 717-SD-MR-DS
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Area of the property: , in the centre, in a quiet part of town
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Distance from the centre: 50
Directions to the property from the main road: via an asphalted road
Directions to the property by car: good
Property code: 717-SD-MR-DS
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Area of the property: , in the centre, in a quiet part of town
Transport:: own,
(for large groups is possible to provide transport service)
Distance from the centre: 50
Directions to the property from the main road: via an asphalted road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: 1 parking space per apartment, yes, the holiday home has its own parking, free of charge
Distance from the sea: 10 m
Distance from the sea en route: 70
Distance from the beach: 80 m
Distance from the beach en route: 70
Type of beach: pebble
Distance from nudist beach: 1200
Owners on-site: Yes, they live in the property
Services provided: Accommodation in a private house
Available from: 01.05.2025
Available till: 01.10.2025
Arrival and departure date: Any day of the week, directly following on from any existing reservations (14:00, 10:00)
Suitable for: Holiday with friends, Peaceful countryside holiday, Family holiday, Suitable for children
Can be borrowed from the owner: sun umbrella
Available to rent: Rent a boat
Dogs allowed: dogs are only allowed in some properties
On main beach in resort are dogs allowed: Not allowed
Distance to the beach where dogs are allowed: 600 m
Heating: Yes
Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Czech, Croatian, German
Home-made produce: free of charge, local wine, raki, vegetables
Bed linen: once per stay
Towels: not provided, we recommend that you bring your own
Toilet paper: once per stay
Outside shower: on the beach
Nearest shop: 100 m
Nearest public pay-phone: 100 m
Nearest post office: 100 m
Nearest bureau de change: 100 m
Distance from a first aid station: 12000
Distance from a dentist: 12000
Distance from a hospital: 12000
Nearest petrol station: 4 km Podgora
Distance from the motorway: 1 km
Nearest cafe: 60
Nearest bakery: 70
Nearest newspaper stand: 70
Distance from the train station: 70
Distance from the ferry port: 12000
Distance from a hairdressing salon: 4000
Distance from a beauty salon: 12000
Distance from tennis courts: 4000
Nearest sports playing fields: 50
Entertainment: cafe, cultural events, summer festivities, Water sports
Meals available: restaurant
Local excursions: , organised by an agency in the resort
Anchorage for private boats: Yes, the owners can arrange berth in the nearest port, For fee
Taxi: Yes
The property has an Internet connection: Yes
Car rental: Yes
Activities: basketball, running routes nearby, , , Jet ski, Canoe, children's swimming, Diving, Tretboot, Water ski
Services: Internet
: 100
Distance from a pharmacy: 4000
Distance from a disco club: 12000
Transfer from / to the airport: Split, For a fee (please see the price list)
Property is accessible by car: by regular car
Distances are approximate and the value can vary.

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