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Secluded holiday home Stevica

VIP partner of Adtia Databanka Own transport Aircondition Property with BBQ Internet Pets allowed Video

Why spend a holiday right here?

How far is the house from the sea and where to go to swim?

Property " Secluded holiday home Stevica" is located ... m from the beach and from the sea as the crow flies 15 m. To give you a better idea of where you can swim, we went through our database of photos and based on GPS coordinates we have calculated the distances of the property from the nearby beaches.

The nearest beach

Photo of beach
Pebble beach Velo Zaraće distant 50 m
Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach Photo of beach

How do we see it?

Robinson house Stevica is located in a beautiful bay near the town of Hvar, and its location directly invites you to take trips to the surrounding area. You can go to the town of Hvar or Stari Grad or to the nearby islands of Pakleni otoci. The house is only 15 meters from a beautiful pebble beach. The beach is made of fine pebbles and has a gradual entrance even for the smallest children. The apartment for 5 people has a covered terrace with its own stone grill. The owner does not live in the house, but visits the house. In case of a longer stay, you will certainly appreciate the comfortable equipment and washing machine in the apartment. In the neighboring Robinsonade Elizabeta, you can sit above the beach on a shaded terrace with a bar serving local specialties from the hands of the owner. The owner is an excellent cook - he used to cook in a famous luxury restaurant in the town of Hvar. If you don't like to cook on holiday, you can arrange half-board with the owner. There are no restrictions on water and electricity consumption in the Robinson house.

We shot a video at this resort, have a look!



Apartment APP 4 "1"

Max. 4 pers. | 2 bedrooms
1x unit_photo 2x unit_photo
Check dates and prices »
Code of the unit: 2731-SD-OH-VZ-1
Max. no. of persons 4
Number of rooms 3
Type of building Apartment,
Smoking is only allowed on the terrace/balcony,
The property faces sea view, onto the street
Internet free of charge, WiFi
air conditioning free of charge
Accommodation with dogs For a fee (please see the price list), For fee
Bedroom 1 x double bed, TV, wardrobe, bedside lamp, bedside tables, Air conditioning
Bedroom 2 x bed, bedside lamp, wardrobe, bedside tables
bathroom washing machine, shower cubicle, WC, mirror, hairdryer
Kitchen radio, hotplate (gas), crockery,
Quality of the WIFI connection can be different in every apartment or in the parts of the building. This service is free of charge and it is provided by the owner of the building.

You should not miss this information

Limitations of electricity in the building:

  • There are standard sockets in the property
  • »
  • None, there is 220/230 V electricity in the property

Water restrictions:

  • drinking water
  • »
  • cold and hot water is supplied to the bathroom
  • »
  • cold and hot water is supplied to the kitchen
  • »
  • water from water supply line

How did the other guests like it here?

5 / 5 (7 ratings)

star star star star star
  1. Have you been satisfied with the resort, service levels and local beaches quality?
  2. Have you been satisfied with the behavior of the property owners and their services?
  3. Have you been satisfied with the accommodation quality, object cleanliness and its equipment? Were there any differences between the information on the web compared to the reality on the place of stay?
1. star star star star star

Naprosto skvělé, velmi čisté moře, pláž ve vzdálenosti několika desítek metrů.

2. star star star star star

Majitel byl milý a velmi slušný.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytování odpovídalo našim představám, k dispozici byla zařízená kuchyně a vše odpovídalo tomu, co bylo uvedeno na vašich stránkách.

P. Kuneš (Czech Republic / 2024)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Letovisko odpovídá popisu. Pláž v zátoce oblázková, čistá, krásná.

2. star star star star star

Majitel velice ochotný a příjemný, v případě potřeby nápomocný.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Pěkně a nadstandardně vybavený apartmán se vším, co je potřeba (fén, mixér, rychlovarná konvice, pračka, vysavač, dřevěné uhlí ke grilu.). Veškeré vybavení funkční a nepoškozené. Velmi čisto. Informace na webu odpovídaly skutečnosti.

H. Jedlinská (Czech Republic / 2024)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Naprosto skvělé, velmi čisté moře, pláž ve vzdálenosti několika desítek metrů.

2. star star star star star

Majitel byl milý a velmi slušný.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Ubytování odpovídalo našim představám, k dispozici byla zařízená kuchyně a vše odpovídalo tomu, co bylo uvedeno na vašich stránkách.

P. Kuneš (Czech Republic / 2024)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Letovisko odpovídá popisu. Pláž v zátoce oblázková, čistá, krásná.

2. star star star star star

Majitel velice ochotný a příjemný, v případě potřeby nápomocný.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Pěkně a nadstandardně vybavený apartmán se vším, co je potřeba (fén, mixér, rychlovarná konvice, pračka, vysavač, dřevěné uhlí ke grilu.). Veškeré vybavení funkční a nepoškozené. Velmi čisto. Informace na webu odpovídaly skutečnosti.

H. Jedlinská (Czech Republic / 2024)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Velmi klidné místo, skvělé pro odpočinek. Pláž není nikdy přeplněná, občerstvení na dosah. Rušnější letoviska jsou vzdálená do 20 minut autem.

2. star star star star star

Majitel objektu byl velmi milý, ochotný. Zastavil se přeptat, jak se nám daří, jestli něco nepotřebujeme.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Apartmán byl čistý, uklizený, k dispozici vše pro komfortní pobyt (gril včetně briket, pračka, mikrovlnka, fén, v kuchyni cukr, sůl, káva, dokonce domácí olivový olej a balzamiko????)

H. Bartošová (Czech Republic / 2023)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

Na pláž je to pár kroků, pláž je oblázková, místy písek. Na pláži je restaurace, kde se dá zajít na večeři nebo oběd. Nečekejte širokou nabídku, je to takový ten plážový repertoár, nic náročného, jednoduchá jídla.

2. star star star star star

Skvělý domácí, donesl nám v polovině pobytu čisté povlečení, ručníky a utěrky. Cokoliv jsme potřebovali hned poradil. Opravdu příjemný a milý.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Báječné místo na strávení dovolené, moc se nám tam líbilo. Tak dobře vybavenou kuchyni jsem už dlouho v apartmánu nezažila, všeho v dostatečném množství, jar a houbičky, mnoho utěrek, čekalo na nás základní vybavení jako sůl, cukr, káva, olivový olej, vinný ocet. V koupelně je pračka a prací prášek a dostatek ručníků. Ačkoliv je v apartmánu klimatizace a ačkoliv zde byly vlny veder během našeho pobytu, v ložnicích je příjemný chládek takže jsme klimatizaci vůbec nezapínali. Na terase na nás u grilu čekalo vše potřebné ke grilování, nic jsme nemuseli kupovat - kromě potravin :-) Z terasy je z boku krásný výhled na širé moře, takže ranní káva získala s tímto výhledem úplně jiný rozměr. Prostě skvělý apartmán ve skvělé lokalitě.

M. Jarošová (Czech Republic / 2022)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

That was perfect vacation in a perfect place for a very good price

2. star star star star star

The owner was very nice and helpful

3. starstarstarstarstar

It was all perfect and conform to the description, no problem

J. Henault (Czech Republic / 2022)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

na pláži pořádek ale o víkendech trochu víc lidí (Chorvatů) ale i tak vše v klidu

2. star star star star star

majitel kdykoli na telefonu co jsme potřebovali ihned zařídil.

3. starstarstarstarstar

Skvěle apartmán vybaven.rozdíl mezi webem a skutečností jsme žádný nenašli. SUPER DOVOLENÁ !!!

P. Jiruška (Czech Republic / 2021)
5.0 star star star star star
1. star star star star star

plaże były piękne, apartament fantastyczny, jakość usług na najwyższym poziomie

2. star star star star star

jakość usłyg była na najwyższym poziomie

3. starstarstarstarstar

nie było żadnych różnic, byliśmy zadowoleni ze wszystkiego

J. KRYSTYNA (Poland / 2020)
4.7 star star star star star

Where can you find the accommodation?

How to book your stay?

You can book your stay by paying an advance payment of about 50% of the total price and pay the rest to the owner of the property on the spot in euros. If you do not want to take cash with you, you can send the other half to us 45 days before your stay and we will send the payment to the owner. You can pay by card, bank transfer, vouchers, or for example by an employee benefits.

Take a look at the summary information about the property and its surroundings

Property code: 2731-SD-OH-VZ
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Distance from the centre: 6km
Directions to the property from the main road: via a macadam road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: free of charge, , cca 100 m od domu
Distance from the sea: 15 m
Property code: 2731-SD-OH-VZ
Special offer is valid for terms till: all year round
Special offer is valid for terms from: all year round
Distance from the centre: 6km
Directions to the property from the main road: via a macadam road
Directions to the property by car: good
Parking: free of charge, , cca 100 m od domu
Distance from the sea: 15 m
Distance from the sea en route: 15 m
Distance from the beach: 15 m
Distance from the beach en route: 15 m
Type of beach: pebble, rocky, public
Owners on-site: Yes, they live in the property
Available from: 01.05.2025
Available till: 15.10.2025
Arrival and departure date: Any day of the week, directly following on from any existing reservations (14:00, 10:00)
Suitable for: Family holiday, Suitable for children
Dogs allowed: Allowed only dogs up to 15kg, allowed, only one dog per apartment, For a fee (please see the price list)
Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Czech, Croatian, German, Slovenian
Bed linen: once a week
Towels: once a week
Toilet paper: as required
BBQ, fireplace: Yes
Nearest shop: 7 km
Nearest bureau de change: 7 km
Distance from a first aid station: 7 km
Distance from a dentist: 7 km
Distance from a hospital: 7 km
Nearest petrol station: 7-10 km
Distance from the motorway: 200 m
Nearest cafe: 10 m
Nearest bakery: 7km
Distance from the airport: 70 km
Nearest sports playing fields: 7 km
Entertainment: cafe, Konoba (traditional Croatian tavern)
Meals available: Konoba (traditional Croatian tavern), restaurant
The property has an Internet connection: Yes
Distance from a pharmacy: 7 km
  • drinking water
  • cold and hot water is supplied to the bathroom
  • cold and hot water is supplied to the kitchen
  • water from water supply line
  • There are standard sockets in the property
  • None, there is 220/230 V electricity in the property
Distance from pizzeria: 7 km
Parking is fo free: Yes
Distances are approximate and the value can vary.

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